Written by Michelle Tillander on

There is often flawed interpretation of the underlying conceptual acronym of STEM TO STEAM. The framework or rhetorical ploy of the acronym is often co opted by a variety of individuals and institutions and unknowingly continues to position art in the service of science.

In an attempt to clarify, the commonality between art and science is about seeing deeply and developing strategies of showing and seeing. This is about the relationship between seeing and thinking. That is the needs for both science think and art thinking as intellectual and metaphorical traditions as both critically important for learning. STEAM @ RISD has examples demonstrating a deep understanding of the need for STEAM.

STEM + Art = STEAM (

STEAM is a movement championed by Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and widely adopted by institutions, corporations and individuals.

The objectives of the STEAM movement are to:

  • transform research policy to place Art + Design at the center of STEM
  • encourage integration of Art + Design in K–20 education
  • influence employers to hire artists and designers to drive innovation