Moran, K

Incorporating Contemporary Pottery Approaches into a High School Ceramics Course


This research project involved introducing contemporary ceramics to students in a level two public high school ceramics/pottery class. A lesson plan was developed and implemented in which students examined how pottery progressed through history along with specific contemporary potters whose technical and conceptual accomplishments influenced the pottery world. Students were given the opportunity to develop a list of current environmental, social and cultural issues relate to their lives and to consider creating a contemporary ceramic artwork that expressed their voices around an issue. Through research on each of their topics, a brief written synopsis, and a series of sketches, students developed their ceramic artworks. Students were encouraged to develop their voices through their contemporary pottery piece. Action research was used and photographs, a personal reflective journal, several pre and post project reflections, and interviews were collected and analyzed. A final exhibition was held where the public was given an opportunity to see the artwork and talk with students. A survey was used at the exhibition in order to document and analyze the impact of the artwork on the students and audience.

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